Then meet us at the Member Meeting at Danish Thai Friend Association on 24 May 2022 at Min Thai, "Take away & Restaurant", Dirch Passers Alle 84, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Claus Rasmussen will tell us about his stay in Thailand and work at Pandora.
Our lecturer is both about Pandora but also of Thailand in general, and still committed to developing relations between Denmark and Thailand, including the new 'Dan Thai Net'.
We will hear about the construction of factories and why Pandora chose Thailand in addition to a video session where we will see what social (CSR) work Pandora performs in Thailand.
You will also hear about what opportunities there are for Danish companies to start up in Thailand is also part of the program.
Claus Rasmussen has been and still is, strongly involved in Thailand, both during and after his stay in Thailand, through participation in association work and with his network.
As usual delicious Thai food and coffee Price only 225, · DKK for members. DKK 275 for guests. Drinks at reasonable prices - water 20, - DKK Thai beer 30, A glass of red or white wine 35, -.
Guests are welcome as long as there is space.
Registration and Payment:
Registration as soon as possible and no later than Friday 20 May 2022 Payment can be made to our account in Danske Bank:
Either via mobilepay on number: 30257 (our association number) or to Reg. No. 1551 Account no. 9024255.
Finally remember the sender name!
